Daily Archives: July 18, 2014

Sibling Reunion


The four of us live in four different states … and one of us lives 3,000 miles from the other three.  So, getting us together is no small feat!  But, we generally make valiant efforts to have a little reunion every couple years and this past week was no exception.  The last two left this morning before I awoke.  We said our good-byes last night and I had to leave the room before I began crying.  Hate good-byes!  Fortunately, we do stay close via technology.  I know our dad was glad to have his three daughters and son together again.

The party was at my house so each night we brought my dad over and we enjoyed my brother’s cooking.  Last night dinner was on me and I cooked chicken tenders, mashed potatoes, green beans and left over garlic bread.  Yum!  We made “Dream Cake” the other night with angel food cake, cream cheese and cherry topping, just like our mom used to make.  Ah, memories!


We took a quick trip down to the cemetery where our mom is buried and visited some cousins who live nearby.  That was an exhausting but fun trip!  Let’s just say some of us siblings like to get up earlier than others …

We came across some old letters at our dad’s house, some that our mom had written to my brother when he was in boot camp way back in 1981, some I’d written also.  We all enjoyed reading those and made copies so we’d each have those to cherish.  Mom’s letters were filled with family news.  My older sister was soon to be married, my younger sister was a straight A student and then, there was me…Well, she’s not doing quite as well.  Haha.  But I was excited about my upcoming 12th birthday slumber party!  Yup, that was me — Social Butterfly!  I had certain priorities, okay?!


The last week was filled with almost nightly Scrabble games, lots of laughter, sharing family updates, teasing, cooking, eating, passing the M&M’s and photo sessions … That’s about the gist of the last week!  We are each so unique and I always thought of us as being so different.  How did we wind up in the same family, born to the same set of parents?  But, this time together, I could see how similar we are too.  We each are stubborn – that is pretty common knowledge.  But, we each are neatniks and have fairly Type A personalities.  I’d like to think of us all as being highly intelligent too.  The most satisfying and gratifying common trait we share is that we each have our sights on heaven and a strong relationship with our Heavenly Father.  That is what matters most.  We wouldn’t want the party to end here on earth afterall!  No, we want to spend eternity together and join our mother and other loved ones in heaven!

Love my siblings!



Filed under Family